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Experience a transformation in your sexuality and train yourself in accompanying others


First year of the training programme
SOMA Intimacy / Embodied Sexuality

The first year of our training programme is an invitation to inhabit your body more, to get to know better and explore your boundaries and your pleasure, and to connect with your deepest longings, with your truth.

It is based on a somatic understanding of learning and transformation that translates into new actions, new ways of being, expressing ourselves and relating – in intimacy and in life in general.

You will learn a wide range of practical tools to expand your capacity to love and enjoy, which you can also use in your task of accompanying other people.

We would like to thank our training group in Portugal 2024 for participating in the creation of this video.

What is included in the first year of the training programme?

The training is conceived as a process of learning and deep transformation in sexuality and in life in general, shared with and accompanied by a circle of people with similar desires.

The first year of the training programme lasts approximately 7 months. It combines face-to-face learning in 3 residential retreats with regular somatic practices between the workshops (and for a month after the last gathering), which help integrate your learning into your daily life.


Your experience in the 3 retreats (5 days each) is fundamental for connecting with the group and engaging with your learning and transformation process.

The embodiment and the somatic exploration practices you will experience during the training will allow you to heal old wounds and develop your awareness, spontaneity and creativity in intimacy. They will also enable you to better accompany others in their sexual growth.

During these experiential encounters, each participant will be a mirror and an inspiration for your growth.

The training is progressive: we invite you and help you to respect your own rhythm.


The regular practices (somatic and reflection practices) will allow you to deepen your process and to create, step by step, new and more nurturing ways of expressing yourself and relating in your intimacy and in life in general.

To meet the requirements of the training programme, on average, you will do one or two somatic practices (with yourself or with another person) each week during the training. These practices are an important pilar of the training programme. Obviously, you can do more practices if you want to. All practices are supervised.


You will be part of a small group of approximately 4 participants who will meet on a regular basis, moderated by a member of the training team, with the intention of supporting personal integration and collaborative learning among the participants.


These practical online workshops will allow you to feel the connection and support of the group, while helping you to deepen your process and feel enriched by different ways of experiencing human sexuality.


Each participant has a person from the training team assigned to them who will accompany them throughout the whole duration of the course. We understand that our training might bring up some challenging things for you and so we want to be close to you to support you in your practice and accompany you with your process.


Once the participants have successfully completed the training requisites of the course, they will be awarded the title of Specialist in Embodied Sexuality.

After completing the first year of training, you will have access to the second year and complete your training as Certified SOMA Intimacy Practitioner.

With the second year certification you can apply for professional membership in the Association for Somatic and Integrative Sexologists.


8th time running / BARCELONA
21 January – 3 August 2025

The training will be held in English and Spanish, so you should be able to communicate in one of these languages. The residential workshops will be held in both languages. The online meetings will be held separately in each language. The retreats will take place in a country house located in a beautiful natural setting in Catalonia.


  • is based on lived experience as a path for learning

  • trusts in the transformative power of pleasure

  • trains the attitude of presence in intimacy (rather than focusing on techniques)

  • has a somatic understanding of learning and transformation

  • values transparency in communication and commitment to relationships

  • is oriented towards the development and integration of one’s resources

  • is trauma-sensitive

  • is based on creating a safer and more inclusive space

  • gives permission to pleasure, sensuality and eroticism and integrates them into the wholeness of human experience.


  • lead a more embodied life and reclaim your pleasure
  • achieve more alignment between your values, your desires, your ways of being and your actions
  • live your sexuality more freely and in a more creative and satisfying way
  • be more aware and communicate better your own needs, limits and desires
  • regulate better your body sensations and your eroticism, with yourself and in your shared intimacy
  • cultivate your state of presence and safety in intimacy and in life in general
  • deepen your intimacy and your shared sex life
  • develop your ability to feel and connect to yourself, to other people and to the experience of being alive
  • gain more awareness and safety in accompanying other people in their sexuality
  • get to know a wide range of somatic tools for accompanying others.


The content of the first year’s training is developed around 5 fundamental topics:

  1. The basics of somatic sexuality
  2. Conscious self-love
  3. Conscious touch, presence and consent
  4. Embodied healing and exploration practices
  5. Accompanying others


Peter Kogelbauer

Training programme coordinator and trainer. Founder of the SOMA Intimacy Institute. Somatic and humanistic therapist, trained in Gestalt therapy and Sexological Bodywork / Somatic Sex Education. Esalen Massage Practitioner. Certified in Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy.

Andre bosque

Andre Bosque

Embodiment practitioner specialised in Somatic Sexuality, Erotic Blueprints, Wheel of Consent, accompaniment of sexual trauma from a Somatic Experiencing approach. Intersectional activist in body, sexual and gender diversity.

Their work revolves around the authenticity and the embrace of all parts of our individual and collective being.


Other Embodied Sexuality professionals collaborate in the training.


To participate it is important to feel a personal call to explore, heal and/or grow in one’s own sexuality and to be open to participate in a collaborative learning process with the training group.

Our training is aimed at

  • professionals in health, education, personal development and therapy,
  • people undergoing training in these fields and
  • people from other fields with a personal interest in deepening their exploration of sexuality.

If your interest is mainly at a professional level, in this first year you will be able to cultivate a state of embodied presence in intimacy as well as get to know a wide range of tools to accompany other people in their intimacy. We understand that the best tool to accompany others on a somatic level is not only the knowledge of new methods, but rather, the training of an embodied presence and the experience of one’s own somatic process.

We explicitly welcome different bodies, genders, ages, sexual orientations and preferences, and different social positions, cultural contexts, as well as other differences. Diversity enriches us all.


1. Embodied Sexuality Immersion Workshop

Participation in the “ESI – Embodied Sexuality Immersion Workshop – Connect and Explore” is a prerequisite for participating in the training programme. If it is not possible for you to participate on the dates indicated or if you have already attended a workshop on embodied sexuality with a member of the training team, please contact us.

When you register for the training programme, after having done the intensive workshop or the introductory workshop, you will receive a discount of 50% of the amount of the workshop. If you register during the 10 days following the workshop, this bonus will be a 100% of the amount of the workshop.

2. Personal Interview

In order to participate in the training, a short personal interview with a member of the training team is required. In this interview we can discuss further details about the training programme and clarify any questions you might have.

3. Reservation

Choose your payment method and make your reservation. You can see the amounts and payment methods in the pdf file that you can download below.

Upcoming Embodied Sexuality Immersion Workshops

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